Hearing Loss

We provide you with knowledge to diagnose the problem early

Hearing loss can be a frightening experience for anyone, and not having the proper knowledge about the diagnosis can be even more frightening. At Thompson Audiology, we aim to make sure you know the status of your hearing problem and best possible treatments.

How We Hear

Sound is collected by the outer ear and travels down the ear canal to the eardrum. When sound arrives at the eardrum it causes the eardrum to vibrate, which then causes the three middle ear bones to vibrate. As the middle ear bones press into the inner ear they cause a wave within the fluid of the cochlea that stimulates the nerves. The nerves relay the information to the brain which interprets them as the sounds we hear (i.e. speech, music, noise, and sounds of nature).

Types and Causes of Hearing Loss

Types and causes of hearing loss are varied. Hearing loss can be categorized as one of the following:

  • Sensorineural - Hearing loss due to damage to the cochlea or nerve in the inner ear. This is the most common type of hearing loss and is often referred to as nerve deafness. This type of hearing loss is usually permanent and does not improve with medical treatment. Hearing aid amplification for sensorineural loss is generally beneficial in improving communication ability.
  • Sensorineural loss may be the result of serious illness, diseases of the ear, ototoxic medications, congenital causes, heredity, injury, or exposure to loud noises.
  • Conductive - Hearing loss occurs when sound transmission is blocked in the outer or middle ear. Conductive losses are often temporary and may be reversed by medical or surgical intervention. Hearing aid amplification for conductive loss may be appropriate if medical treatment or surgery is not recommended.
  • Conductive loss is common in children with ear infections. This type of loss may also be the result of ear malformations, injury, excessive earwax accumulation, or presence of a foreign object in the ear canal.
  • Mixed- Mixed hearing loss is a combination of both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.

Help is Available

Help is Available

If you suspect you have hearing loss, call our office at 248-0933, to schedule an audiological evaluation. Our audiologists will expertly assess your hearing and recommend an appropriate course of action. The audiologist may suggest referral for medical intervention. Or, the audiologist may recommend hearing aid amplification in order to improve your communication ability.